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Colorado utilities take step into energy markets as they evaluate what’s to come

Colorado utilities take step into energy markets as they evaluate what’s to come

Like the Continental Divide that splits Colorado waters into those flowing toward the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans, the state’s electrical utilities have decided to go either east or west to take advantage of new or growing energy markets. But will this new seam in energy imbalance markets remain as utilities seek even greater benefits of a regional transmission organization?

Cost and comfort emphasized instead of climate as natural gas lines stubbed

Cost and comfort emphasized instead of climate as natural gas lines stubbed

Building electrification has started to take off in Colorado. A developer of the North Vista Highlands project at Pueblo has decided against installing natural gas lines into the 4,850-unit site. In Boulder and Boulder County, electric buildings are a crucial step toward climate action goals. But the jurisdictions emphasize comfort, not climate.

Facts be damned and the Colorado River

Facts be damned and the Colorado River

In “Science Be Dammed,” Eric Kuhn and John Fleck explain how the foundations for water allocations of the last century were premised on flawed assumptions, and that these assumptions were made disregard of the best science then available. Draw your own conclusions about the lessons applicable to the present.

What constitutes radical given the scale of climate change risk?

What constitutes radical given the scale of climate change risk?

Action has accelerated at the grassroots in Colorado ski towns as local leaders heed the warnings of climate scientists that the carbon budget has nearly been exhausted. At Battle Mountain High School near Vail, Dr. Robert Davies warned that to fail to take appropriation action in the face of evidence of need for a dramatic response should be considered radical.

Curtain descends on Tri-State plants

“Watch our feet,” Tri-State CEO Duane Highley said last October. Today, he announced the closing of two coal units in Colorado and one in New Mexico, which will allow the wholesale supplier to comply with Colorado greenhouse reduction goals. But can Highley keep his biggest members from leaving? That’s the biggest of several questions going forward.

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