Member cooperatives are tempted to hop the fence to graze on greener renewable energy. Chief executive Duane Highley warns his flock about a big, bad wolf called resource adequacy. Can he keep them in his fold?
Colorado electrical utilities
A biggest ever in Colorado for battery storage
Tiny now, like a pebble, lithium-ion battery storage in Colorado will soon be like a boulder. What else is needed to complete this emissions-free jigsaw puzzle?
Red-flag warnings on the rise in Colorado
As fire risk has grown in Colorado, the state’s electrical utilities have elevated their risk. The Marshall Fire, some say, has made them even more nervous.
Biden climate advisor frames climate crisis as exciting opportunity
Get going, says Gina McCarthy, Biden’s climate advisor, on the energy transition, even if uncertain remains. And get the public excited about opportunities.
Tri-State’s carbon-constrained path
Tri-State G&T’s plan to deeply decarbonize its electrical supply in Colorado is voluminous, but it leaves many blanks to be filled in later.
Platte River’s windy addition
The new Roundhouse has begun production. With completion of a solar farm later this year, four northern Colorado communities served by Platte River Power Authority will get 50% of their electricity from non-carbon sources.