A lot of money, of course, and a lot of new transmission in and around metropolitan Denver. What else is there in this package?

A lot of money, of course, and a lot of new transmission in and around metropolitan Denver. What else is there in this package?
Colorado’s Power Pathway is the biggest capital investment in Colorado ever for Xcel Energy. That’s not including the wind, solar and storage that the $1.7 billion transmission line will enable.
Two former chair of the Colorado PUC say who is running the show behind the scenes can matter greatly in this giant pivot of energy systems
Megan Gilman talks about equity, resource adequacy and other elements of her work in overseeing Colorado’s energy transition as a Colorado PUC commissioner. That will soon include overseeing plans by natural gas utilities to displace emissions when heating buildings.
How much should Xcel’s customers have to pay for Hayden, Craig and Pawnee as the coal era winds down? Opinions vary—and widely so!
Jurors are to hear arguments in July about whether Tri-State violated Colorado law in adding three new members. United Power claims gigantic financial losses.
Colorado PUC commissioners advised they should require Xcel Energy to aggressively pursue demand-management strategies
What goes into selecting those charged with being regulators of Xcel Energy and other utilities in Colorado during a time of rapid change?
CRES has been busy in recent years trying to advance Colorado’s clean energy agenda. The most compelling evidence of success is a law that tilts the table on natural gas to favor efficiency measures.
In 2000, Colorado’s largest utility rejected a major project . Why? A team that included CRES fought back. The result: Colorado Green — followed by others. Others followed.