Eagle County gets $1.5 million federal grant for bus barn. County also considering geothermal to cool and heat old courthouse and other buildings.

Eagle County gets $1.5 million federal grant for bus barn. County also considering geothermal to cool and heat old courthouse and other buildings.
Parallel studies for Colorado’s Eagle and Summit counties show a worst-case scenario of extreme heating in the 21st century if global emission cannot be tamed.
Adam Palmer’s chosen work was serious indeed and incredibly discouraging, but he performed it with energy and joy, guided by a hopeful vision for the world.
During a time of stay-at-home orders, many people in metropolitan Denver and other parts of the rapidly urbanizing northern Front Range have few options for getting outdoors in a satisfying way. More local or at least regional chunks of open space are needed as Colorado adds nearly 3 million people during the next 30 years.
Action has accelerated at the grassroots in Colorado ski towns as local leaders heed the warnings of climate scientists that the carbon budget has nearly been exhausted. At Battle Mountain High School near Vail, Dr. Robert Davies warned that to fail to take appropriation action in the face of evidence of need for a dramatic response should be considered radical.