Colorado legislative committee approves many millions for water projects in Colorado — including $250,000 for a study crucial for Baca County
Ogallala Aquifer
Will Colorado’s Baca County get its wishes?
Solar and developers have arrived in southeast Colorado. But will the transmission get there to help this county transition from the agriculture supported by the Ogallala and other fast-diminishing aquifers?
The declining Ogallala Aquifer
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed a bill into law concerning the Republican River. Where he penned his signature was in a most unusual place.
Democrats aplenty gather to celebrate a Republican
New wrinkles in ag program may yield more farmers enlisting in effort to slow Ogallala Aquifer declines — and keep Colorado out of compact conundrums
Can Colorado grow as much food with less water?
Raw water in Colorado has almost entirely been carved up. Agriculture’s new frontier lies in innovations that produce more food with the same or less water
The “Keystone Pipeline” won’t make gas cheaper
If only we’d built the “Keystone Pipeline,” some people say, gasoline would be cheap. Well, actually, no. We need to stop telling ourselves stories that just aren’t true.
Subterranean Ogallala Blues
In “Running Out,” a finalist for the National Book Award, a Kansas farm boy goes home to unravel the mystery of Ogallala Aquifer depletion and discovers the answers, like the geology, can be confounding. In this, it’s not unlike so many of the big questions of our time.