Southwest Power Pool says it has seven utilities lined up to participate in its regional transmission organization, the first that to overlap both the Eastern and Western Interconnections
regional transmission organization
Islands in the Rockies
Colorado a century ago was poorly connected by roads. Its electrical utilities still are poorly linked. Why they need energy markets.and how that may happen.
How Holy Cross Energy intends to deepen penetration of renewables
A pilot program of six home batteries represents an effort by Holy Cross Energy to better contour demands around supply as it moves toward 80% renewables.
Lowering electricity bills in Colorado
Vibrant Clean Energy’s new study delivers hard numbers about how Colorado electrical consumers would benefit from advanced energy markets, especially an RTO
Why Colorado needs an RTO
Colorado’s utility representatives and a key state legislator agree on need for market mechanism to effectively and economically integrate renewable energy.
Getting to 100% renewable energy
To get to 100% renewables for electrical production won’t be as simple as going to the wind and solar shelf and stocking up. That can get utilities to 50% easily enough, perhaps even 70% or 80%, conceivably even 90%.