COSSA’s Mike Kruger explains what’s to like about this session and what’s on the mind of the solar companies
“I know it in my bones”
Mike Kruger says he has accomplished what he set out to do at the Colorado Solar and Storage Association and now it’s time to move on. He’ll leave at CEO at the end of March
What does the election mean for Colorado’s decarbonization goals?
Some reason to believe that Colorado can continue to mostly chug along. But then there’s the issue of tariffs on solar panels.
And what if Trump returns to the White House?
Wll he slow Colordo’s energy pivot? We’re not an island. Just think of where we get our solar panels
No specific recommendations for solar net-metering
Working group had met for several months but ended up agreeing to disagree on key items
Leaving everybody just a little bit unhappy
Colorado’s Mesa County worked hand to balance diverse interests and values when writing codes governing utility-scale solar. The work was quick, the result a success — for now.
Agrivoltaics becoming part of Weld County proposals
Many solar developers submit proposals to northern Colorado jurisdiction with explicit plans for agricultural production
Why net-zero has become pointless
Don’t let perfect get in the way of a good, all-electric building
Tweaking solar regs in San Miguel County
Strong support for solar in Telluride and Norwood but an effort to get proects at right sizes and right places
June was Colorado’s third warmest ever
COSSA passes out passel of awards, solar proejct killed in San Luis Valley and other news items from across Colorado