No, say Platte River Power Authority board members. They will stay the course on a new plant that will cost $350 million

No, say Platte River Power Authority board members. They will stay the course on a new plant that will cost $350 million
It took awhile to make this happen but it immediately is cheaper energy for Gunnison County Electric Assocation
Colorado legislators said coal communities should be helped in the energy transition. This agreement with Craig and Moffat County provides a picture of what that looks like in practice.
Tri-State agreement includes provision for water rights valued by Moffat County at $2-3 million
A deal has been reached for Tri-State’s pivot from coal. Now it’s up to Colorado regulators
Colorado’s second-biggest electrical generator looks at geothermal, nuclear, and other options as it closes coal plants
G&T attributes ownership plan to changes wrought by Inflation Reduction Act
State’s second largest electrical provider has a new energy efficiency program. That’s good, but it needs to reinvent itself even more.
CEO lays out the big picture for Brighton-based electrical cooperative at annual meeting. It’s the third largest electric utility in Colorado.
Jessica Matlock talks about her five years at La Plata Electric, the changing world of electricity, and the need for flexible contracts