Battery storage is the secret sauce of FreeWire, a company that hopes to help electrical suppliers in rural Colorado provide fast-charging services.
Tri-State Generation & Transmission
This gas plant will rarely be missed
This gas plant in Colorado was used so rarely that even when utilities were desperate for generation during a February 2021 storm, it sat idle.
Colorado energy gleanings
Film about Suncor Refinery shown in Commerce City, Denver pulls trigger on 12+ solar projects, Tri-State G&T adds innovation officer, and new Colorado board named.
Transmission enough for Crossing Trails, but what about additional wind & solar farms?
Tri-State members have begun getting power from a new wind farm in eastern Colorado. But as to future wind farms as Tri-State decarbonizes? Much to answer here.
Wyoming seeks to stall Colorado’s exit from coal-generated electricity
Wyoming legislators take aim at Colorado’s decarbonization with a $1.2 million legal fund. The nexus for this potential lawsuit will be Laramie River Station.
Local electricity in Gunnison County
Gunnison County Electric has started the process of adding local generation of electrical resources. It’s less than 1% now, but it can get up to 7%.
A new era for Tri-State
Colorado’s second biggest electrical utility will soon identify its path to 80% reduced emissions by 2030. Surely this map will include Arizona and Wyoming.
Electrical empires in Colorado
Xcel Energy and Tri-State G&T both are resisting losing chunks of their electrical empires in Colorado. Their nimbleness is at issue—and money, too.
Colorado’s decarbonization roadmap*
Colorado Gov. Jared Polis ran on a platform of a rapid decarbonization of electricity. Environmental groups say his administration isn’t moving quickly enough.
The cost of leaving Tri-State G&T
United Power would pay $234.8 million to leave Tri-State Generation & Transmission under a methodology recommended by an administrative law judge to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission.