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Colorado energy gleanings

Colorado energy gleanings

Film about Suncor Refinery shown in Commerce City, Denver pulls trigger on 12+ solar projects, Tri-State G&T adds innovation officer, and new Colorado board named.

Colorado energy gleanings

Colorado energy gleanings

A dead-end on Aspen’s natural-gas sabotage, solar moves forward in Yampa Valley, hydrogen plan released, Vail Resorts hits 85% renewables, Fort Collins blows past emissions goal.

Wyoming energy gleanings: coal and nuclear

Wyoming energy gleanings: coal and nuclear

An essayist makes the case that Wyoming shouldn’t expect nuclear to save its energy economy, and another essayist describes the way that Wyoming legislators have been desperately trying to save the state’s coal economy.

New Mexico gleanings: Hydrogen and securitization

New Mexico gleanings: Hydrogen and securitization

Securitization an issue in plans regarding coal plant in New Mexico Public Service Co. of New Mexico, the state’s largest electrical utility, plans to get out of the Four Corners Power Plant near Farmington by the end of 2024. But its plan for doing so is drawing...

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