Wall Street smiles on Tri-State after financial frowns
S&P Global Rating raises outlook for generation and transmission association to ‘stable’
S&P Global Rating raises outlook for generation and transmission association to ‘stable’
This newer proposal would use the subterranean of the Twentymile coal mine for lower reservoir
Electrical cooperative expects to tap new plant less than 15% of the time
FERC says yes to partial-requirements option but rate increase is provisional
True, nuclear can deliver high-paying jobs, good tax base, and emissions-free energy. Rarely do proponents mention risks.
A geothermal driller unning for state senate, Rio Blanco County commissioners endorse nuclear, and more items from across Colorado
And why one an ultra-progressive electrical cooperative thinks that geothermal can help it achieve its 100% emission-free goal
Alamosa County will use funding to study three routes to and from the San Luis Valley
Will this lead to a new effort to municipalize electrical service or to new state legislation for community choice aggregation?
But former chair of directors says Fort Collins-based utility shoiuld be thinking more bottoms up, below the substation level
Colorado Public Utilities Commission taking public comment
Colorado cooperative first in intermountain West — and possibly the nation. But why does this matter?
Hotter here & there, but few records, reports Colorado’s state climatologist in assessing Colorado’s July 12-16 heat
Colorado organizations get $329 million in EPA program for reducing methane use in buildings, landfills, coal mines and other places
Strong support for solar in Telluride and Norwood but an effort to get proects at right sizes and right places
COSSA passes out passel of awards, solar proejct killed in San Luis Valley and other news items from across Colorado
Dirt-moving has officially begun on the third of five segments in Xcel Energy’s $1.7 billion Colorado Power Pathway
Colorado energy official says giant expansion of wind and solar will still be dwarfed by exurban development
Xcel’s Kenney says it’s too expensive now but may be something his utility will embrace
Colorado legislators said coal communities should be helped in the energy transition. This agreement with Craig and Moffat County provides a picture of what that looks like in practice.