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Chillin’ in Hades

In response to “It’s not drought, but what do we call it?” from Big Pivots No. 35

“How about ‘desertification’? Or Brad Udall’s word isn’t too scientifically wonky: ‘aridification’…. But I also know that you know those words…. So if you’re looking for something simpler, how about, ‘Ongoing dry spell that will last till hell freezes over….’ (Although if Texas freezes over, can hell be far behind?)

George Sibley

Gunnison, Colo.

George Sibley is the author of “Water Wranglers” and several other books


More about dinner parties

In response to “If methane were at a dinner party… ” from Big Pivots No. 36

“I’ve been to dinner parties where methane’s shown up uninvited… and it doesn’t end well for anyone.”

James Eklund

Denver, Colo.

James Eklund is a water attorney at Eklund/Hanlon and former director of the Colorado Water Conservation Board.

Allen Best
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